Saturday 4 June 2011

A little bit more about me.

So I thought in this post I would tell you all a little more about me since I haven't done anything on my blog in absolutely AGES. Befor I tell you all the little details about me you need to know my basic information, so here it goes.

First of all my name is Jamie York. I'm 13 years of age. I have grey/blue eyes and light brown/dark blonde hair, saying that my hair resembles that of one of the beatles. I'm 5 foot 3 inches tall. I have a medical condition called ostiogenesis imperfect (brittle bone disease) which basicly means I can break my bones easyer than a normal person could. My blood type is A negative. My shoe size is 7/8. I'm currently single. My favorite colour is purple. My favorite number is 3.14159265358979323846264338327 (Yes, that is pi. Not rounded).

Now you know the basic details, I can bore you with the details that you don't really need to know but I'm going to tell you anyway, so if you get bored i dont mind if you fall asleep...I may have gotten bored writing this and fallen asleep myself, but here it goes.

I play guitar and a bit of drums. I am a cadet in the Air Training Corps (ATC/Air Cadets). I'm in year 9 at school and I'm doing my GCSE's now. I am a preforming arts guy, I like acting and composing music. My favorite genre of music is rock. My favorite genre of film is comedy. I like to do stupid things that make me and others laugh and have a good time. My friends are the most important things in my life, I couldnt live without them and I love them all. LIVE.LIFE.LOUD. my favorite song is Yesterday written and composed by Sir Paul McCartney, preformed by Sir Paul McCartney. My favorite band is The Beatles. My hero is Dave Grohl (singer + guitarist for the Foo Fighters and ex drunner for Nirvana).

Thats all I can really think of so i guess thats it for this blog post

- Jamie

Wednesday 30 March 2011

IM BACK!!!!!

Well you might not know but 3 weeks ago I moved house and i was without the Internet for 3 weeks. This was not an easy task to complete as I was bored literally every day, without anything to do but eat and i eat lots but anyway I would find myself pacing the two flights of stairs and polishing my parade shoes sometimes even just sitting in my room listening to music on my phone or watching the TV(though that didn't satisfy my boredom).

Friday 25 February 2011


For those people who know me in person you may notice that i use the line "ITS CAKE TIME" quite frequently. The story behind it originates from my life at school, at launch times my friend Tomos would say things like "if anyone ever dreamed of buying me a cake, now is the time to forfill that dream" and "ITS CAKE TIME". I have many good times with my friends at school, its always fun with us around and never a dull moment and when i look back into the past at all the good times i cant help it but laugh. My friends always find new ways to make each other laugh whether its jokes, weirdnesss or just plain randomness (as usual) but there is always something funny to say, and its almost always hysterically funny. Honestly, nobody has ever had the same experience as we have, and I'm glad i have these friend, friends who cheer me up when I'm sad, friends that make you smile and laugh by doing nothing at all. If your all lucky then i might post some videos of our times at school that were recorded on my phone. But till then...CAKE!!!!

Wednesday 23 February 2011


I can take a lot of insults about anything. Normally I can withstand even the harshest of insults but i draw the line when it comes to insults about dead relatives and my hair! The thing is, only the people who are pathetic enough stoop to the (low)level of insulting dead relatives, its just not smart, clever, funny and it doesn't make you the tough guy or the cool guy, its just completely pathetic and immature.

 The thing about my hair is that it has most of my pride and joy. Its where I get my personality from it is my amazingly beautiful Beatle-ish mop with a swoopy fringe, In fact my fringe is so long i can eat it :P. i remember my 13th birthday :( my hair was longer than it was now and i needed a haircut because i was joining air cadets the day after, so i went to the barbers and I SPECIFICALLY asked for my hair to be off my ears and off my collar and LEAVE THE FRINGE ALONE!!!!!......................... but he didn't listen and after that i was soooo upset for the rest of my birthday. And that was forever deemed the " best birthday ever".<<see the sarcasm ;P. So in conclusion of my hair issue is that i am VERY protective of it.

thanks for reading

Monday 21 February 2011

musical headache

It seems that the only place I can play my guitar is in my bedroom. In any other place around my house I'm told "If you going to play that play it somewhere else" or "stop playing that guitar, its giving me a headache". I'd very muck like the freedom to use my talent wherever I like in the house in which I live. I mean, I don't mind when other people do thing that they enjoy, So why not let me play my guitar. After all i do need to practice alot with it and sometimes to get the effects right i need to plug it into an ampifier which makes my guitar MUCH louder. But in the mean time I'll continue to make my Nowhere plans for nobody in particular.