Tuesday 7 February 2012

My life in colour...

So yeah you know who I am so I'll just tell you some days in the life of me. Ok so my life is alright to be honest it's kind of tragic seen as I'm regarded as "scene" which if you don't know is a type of "emo" which is not as suicidle as they should be, i used to be worse off, to the point of self harming but all that was changed because I have the best friends I could ever ask for, which is brilliant to be fair. I have a thing for super heavy ( sometimes depressing ) rock music, say; Iron Maiden, Slipknot, A Day To Remember, Sum41 and so forth. I like this music because the lyrics appeal to me + me lieks teh guitars /=P ( slightly raised monobrow smiley face with tongue out ). This choice doesn't help my reputation as a type of "emo" but oh well, I don't care to be quite honest, people can think what they want about me but I will just think your pathetic unless you say it to my face, then we'll see what I think of you then |=3 hehe. So yeah, I'm not gonna lie but I've just failed at giving I you a day in my life. So I'll leave you on a high, happy note and say I like pi. Yes, 3.141592653589793238462634338327 ( not rounded ). Bless your face, if you sneezed of vomited during this post then bless you, peace off.

- Jamie

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